Romantic Clothing Style For Women

The Romantic woman should avoid classically tailored styles and instead you can opt for softer cuts which are more feminine.You are the woman who hates jeans and prefers to wear a flowing feminine skirt and a pretty blouse, even to do the gardening or house cleaning. You always pay a great deal of attention to details like choosing your earrings, the shapes of your collars, and the colours of your tights. Tiny tucks, pleats, gathered skirts and billowy sleeves will always attract you. 

You love colour, and avoid dusty, dark shades. You probably love the passionate pinks, reds, plums, purples and violets worn with delicate pastels or light coloured lace and soft blouses, perhaps with dainty embroidered flowers or butterflies, and you will adjust all these colours to complement your own skin-tone and hair colour. 

Your fabrics are soft, fluid and rich. Velvets, lace, silks and jersey are all favourites. You would avoid stiff suedes, or very tightly woven fabrics. Your prints are florals, or softly muted and blended colouring in pastels – never strong contrasts.

The Romantic woman should avoid classically tailored styles, even for work, which make you look and feel boring. Instead you can opt for softer cuts which are more feminine, but still professional. 

A dress and shawl could be an alternative to a suit, but be careful not to look too frilly or silly in a work environment. At home you would be wearing blouses and skirts.

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